---- Resolving host address...
---- 1 address found: 2a02:c207:2010:9464::1
---- Connecting to cabanaselpanditomazamitla.com.mx (2a02:c207:2010:9464::1) port 21
<--- 220-Welcome
<--- 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
<--- 234 AUTH TLS OK.
---> USER
Certificate: CN=1a.ncomputers.org
Issued by: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Checking against: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Certificate: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Issued by: O=Digital Signature Trust Co.,CN=DST Root CA X3
WARNING: Certificate verification: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name 'cabanaselpanditomazamitla.com.mx' (93:74:EE:C9:E5:D7:0A:A8:AE:E6:CE:62:01:F4:C4:7D:45:66:EB:09)
<--- 331 USER OK. Password required
---> PASS
<--- 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
---> PWD
<--- 257 "/" is your current location
---> PBSZ 0
<--- 200 PBSZ=0
---> PROT P
<--- 200 Data protection level set to "private"
---> EPRT |2|2a02:c207:2010:9464::1|57657|
<--- 200 PORT command successful
---> NLST
<--- 150 Connecting to port 57657
---- Accepted data connection from (2a02:c207:2010:9464::1) port 20
Certificate: CN=1a.ncomputers.org
Issued by: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Checking against: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Certificate: C=US,O=Let's Encrypt,CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Issued by: O=Digital Signature Trust Co.,CN=DST Root CA X3
WARNING: Certificate verification: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name 'cabanaselpanditomazamitla.com.mx' (93:74:EE:C9:E5:D7:0A:A8:AE:E6:CE:62:01:F4:C4:7D:45:66:EB:09)
---- Got EOF on data connection
---- Closing data socket
<--- 226-Options: -a
<--- 226 10 matches total
---> QUIT
<--- 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
<--- 221 Logout.
---- Closing control socket